Dear friends, we are happy and pleased to share one hot news with you – our (and especially yours!) Dock House is one of the twelve restaurants from all over the Czech Republic that “competed” in the new TV Nova show with Zdeněk Pohlreich – Fight of Restaurants. No, it’s not a fierce competition, although only one can win – it’s an honour and a challenge and certainly a reward. We tried to show the best of what we can do – in the kitchen and “on the spot”, during the filming and behind the scenes, just as we hope you are used to from your visits to the Dock House. We hope you will enjoy the new show. Keep your fingers crossed, we definitely want to succeed! We are looking forward to seeing you – not only at the Dock, but now on TV too! 🙂 Watch Voyo from March 01 or TV Nova from March 08. Your DOCK HOUSE